TEACHES OF PEACHES is now available on TVOD

05 01


TEACHES OF PEACHES is now available on TVOD We’re starting the new year with exciting news! The acclaimed documentary TEACHES OF PEACHES is now available not only in the USA, Canada, UK, and Ireland but also in Germany and Austria! Where to...

TEACHES OF PEACHES is now available on T...

TEACHES OF PEACHES is now available on TVOD We’re starting the new year with exciting news! The acclaimed documentary TEACHES OF PEACHES is now available not only in...

Berlinale sensation: “Teaches of P...

Berlinale sensation: “Teaches of Peaches” wins Teddy Award and Audience Award! Dear friends, colleagues, and fans, We can hardly believe it, but it’s...

TEACHES OF PEACHES world premiere at the...

TEACHES OF PEACHES Weltpremiere auf den 74. Internationalen Filmfestspielen Berlin   Director: Philipp Fussenegger und Judy Landkammer With: Peaches, Black...