Exhibition Excerpts – Paradies der Blicke
28 11
Graphics – Exzerpt
An excerpt of the project ‘Paradies der Blicke’ (Paradise of Views) situated on the mountain Schneeberg in lower austria. Therefor 45min of motion graphics, screened on seven monitors, were...
Moritz Kerschbaumer & Philipp Fussenegger, London
Is 3D sound design the next big thing in...
Binaural sound design
These days 3D movies are on the forefront. Their popularity is indisputably growing with a fast pace. This brings up the question where audio is...
FFF, Vienna
TED X Vienna Official Titles
This is the official title sequence of the 2011 TEDxVienna conference under the motto “the domino effect”. Directed and produced by Lisa Thalhammer, Philipp...
FFF, Vienna
TED x Vienna The Domino Effect
Official Titles 2011 for tedxvienna.at
Directed and produced by Lisa Thalhammer, Philipp Fussenegger, Christian Höller & Dino Osmanovic – funfairfilms, this...
Which movie is this object from?
Famous Objects from Classic Movies
After we have blogged about the quiz “What the movie?” one of you fellows called our attention to a similar movie quiz. In “Famous Objects From Classic...
Transcendent Man, The Ideas and Life of Ray Kurzweil, Documentary
Transcendent Man
Ray Kurzweil war ein wichtiges Vorbild für die Entwicklung der Filmfigur Kevin Silverman in unserem aktuellsten Film Sarah’s Digital Angel.
In Transcendent Man...
"A beautiful movie about the end of the world"
Melancholia Trailer
Lars von Triers beschreibt Melancholia als psychologischen Katastrophenfilm.
Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung steht die Beziehung zweier Schwestern, welche sich vor dem...
Philipp FUssenegger, Salzburg
Making of “zu schön um wahr zu sein”...
1. Drehtag
Der erste Drehtag war eine Herausforderung. Wir hatten die Rolle von Maxs Mutter noch nicht besetzt und mussten deshalb vor Ort im Altersheim jemanden...
LT, female bodyuilders by photographer Martin Schoeller
“Here, ten minutes into a workout our muscles fill up with blood. Here, in this space we begin to grow, to change. The transformation has begun, and our flawed...
VBG, Philipp Fussenegger
Portrait-shooting with IFBB Profi Rahel ...
Photo shoot with international bodybuilding profile Rahel Ruch.
As part of the preparations for our new short film, we did a photoshoot with Rahel Ruch.
Rahel is 160cm...
FFF, Salzburg
Hubert Sielecki Preis
HUBERT-SIELECKI-PREIS für den besten Animationsfilm: Der Zusammenhang.
Begründung: In wenigen Minuten wird eine Geschichte über Begegnungen von Menschen erzählt. Von...